UCity Groups create a space for people to intentionally share their lives with others, grow spiritually together, and encourage each other through the highs and lows of life. UCity Groups gather in homes, coffee shops, and other places where people love to connect. Every group is unique. Some discuss the weekend message or content like the Sunday Dinners podcast, some serve in the community together, and some play board games or basketball once a month. Two things you’ll find in every UCity Group, though, are relationships and conversations that help people grow in their faith.

Life is better together.

How it works…

Sign Up Below

Start filling out the form below. We would love to hear from you! Please tell us what kind of group would fit best for the season of life you're in.

show up!

Once you have a group, the next step is on you! We know it can be scary and intimidating to show up new, but we promise it will be so worth it.

Be in community

We believe we can’t walk this life alone and being able to be surrounded by other followers will encourage our faith! Groups are a wonderful place to feel seen, share your life and grow!

Let Us Help You Find A Group For This Season of Your Life!